Organizational Work


UNICEF Clemson

In addition to assisting UNICEF Clemson with social media graphics and posters, I joined them for the UNICEF student summit to advocate on Capital Hill in support of maintaining UNICEF funding.


HelloWorld 2020

For HelloWorld 2020, I did double duty on design and web dev, both designing and coding the site in addition to some work with poster and sticker graphics.


CUhackit 2020

My role as web designer for Clemson's premiere hackathon, CUhackit, necessitates an understanding of UX design as well as the skills to translate those ideas into mockups. I used Adobe Illustrator with Adobe XD and Zeplin to create designs for the webdev team that were easily translatable into code, and worked off of the illustrations of Daniel Ball.

For next year's website, I plan on having a much more involved hand in the coding of the website, because my experience last year convinced me that it might be helpful to know a little front end and understand what their process looks like. As is evident in some other projects in this portfolio, that interest has developed into the beginnings of a practice, and I am planning on having more self-coded deliverables in my portfolio moving forward.


Clemson Food Collective

The Clemson Food Collective is a Clemson initiative to spread awareness of sustainability and security as it relates to food in the Clemson area. I take great joy in producing whatever graphics we need, including a much needed new website.